Get In The Air at Scotland’s Boat Show 2019

Get In The Air!

Please note – due to operational issues Adventure001 helicopter flights have been postponed.

If you have an existing booking please contact via this link SBS Helicopter Flights

Enjoy spectacular views of Scotland’s Boat Show and the Firth of Clyde with an Adventure001n helicopter flight for only £39!

There is nothing quite like the sensation of hovering in a powerful, fast-moving helicopter – looking down at the ground just a few feet below before your pilot has applies power and you can feel the helicopter accelerating as you are climb to 1000 feet. Admire the breath-taking countryside and incredible views of the show and the River Clyde as your pilot will point out the local landmarks.

Don’t forget to take your camera, so you can you can re-live the experience with friends and family and show off your fantastic photographs.

Our Helicopter Pleasure Flight are operated by and fly on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October weather permitting.

Book your thrill of a lifetime flight here – SBS Helicopter Flights